Procedure stages

Hair transplantation applying the FUE or BHT method is painless, minimally invasive and takes place as a part of one day surgery. The treatment lasts for 3-8 hours under local anesthesia. Before the Patient is qualified for the procedure, the consultations are held to discuss the Patient’s problem and expectations.

Before the surgery

The following medications should not be taken for 10 days before the surgery:
  • anti-inflammatory medicines and painkillers (aspirine, ketonal, ibuprofen, naproxen, diclac, pyralginum)
  • multivitamin preparations, B and E vitamins
  • alcohol (at least 3 days before the surgery)
Laboratory tests should be performed 7 days before the surgery:
  • full blood count and coagulation tests
  • sugar levels in blood, fasting
  • anti-HIV
  • anti-HCV
  • anti-HBs
  • HBS Ag

It is recommened to purchase an air pillowcase (horn or cone shape), as well as Ketonal Active 50mg painkiller, Aescin Oktenisept 500 ml.

On the day of the surgery

  • head should be washed with shampoo without using a conditioner, hair spray, gel, etc.
  • eat light breakfast

After the surgery

  • the following symptoms are possible in the area subjected to the transplantation procedure: light itching, swelling lasting up to 7 days, skin numbness over several weeks
  • alcohol and coffee should be avoided for 3 days
  • smoking should be avoided
  • intensive exercises should be avoided
  • exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided (up to 6 weeks)
  • a few minutes cool wraps can be applied every 2 hours

Do you have any questions? Do you want to make an appointment for a consultation?

Write to us or call +48 509 096 645