Welcome to the Przybylski Clinic
Professional team
The best and experienced specialists in the field of hair transplantation.
Individual approach
Each treatment is an individual consultation and a method selection.
Transplant methods
The highest precision of transplantation using the FUE and BHT methods.
Interdisciplinary team

Andrzej Przybylski, DMedSc

FUE method
FUE hair transplant - Follicular Units Extraction is an advanced technique of hair transplantation based on manual extraction of individual units from the head.
BHT method
BHT hair transplant - Body Hair Transplant is a transplant method in which the hair is collected from the skin of the chest, chin, back or armpits using the FUE method.
Procedure course
Hair transplantation using the FUE or BHT method is painless, minimally invasive and takes place as part of one day surgery. The choice of method takes place after consultation.

Consultation visit
Make an appointment for consultations to discuss the problem and choose the best treatment method.

Transplant treatment
The treatment lasts for 3-8 hours under local anesthesia. The price includes 2 check-ups.

Attractive price
We offer attractive prices for our treatments. Familiarize yourself with our price list.